Because of the uptick in demand for our GPO services, we now offer two options: a premium, boutique style, procurement solution,以及我们最近推出的 stand-alone self-administering GPO.

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

在应对持续的通货膨胀和不断上升的成本压力时,您是否希望节省企业的资金和时间, labor shortages and supply chain issues?

平均, gpo为企业节省了每年10- 25%的采购费用,当你以折扣购买你最需要的商品和服务时,几乎可以立即节省你的底线.

Our GPO has an immense list of suppliers and contracts in the portfolio, 你也可以参与到明升体育app下载高级别储蓄中来,这是明升体育app下载整体业务资格. 最好的消息是有 免费加入 你可以选择 sign up directly with our GPO right now!


We have everything you need to realize savings and efficiencies immediately!

  • Use only the contracts you need: Use only those contracts that benefit your company with no minimum spend requirements.
  • One-stop solutions to streamline purchasing: 通过使用我们预先谈判的合同,减少与多个供应商谈判所花费的时间和金钱.
  • Hands-on dedicated program management: Our experienced professionals are there for you every step of the way.
  • 员工福利: Through markdowns for many products and services, you can offer additional value to your employee benefits program.
  • Savings beyond contract pricing: 我们提供有限的时间,数量驱动的机会,以帮助您节省更多的钱在特色产品.



采购和. 采购(GPO)

Do you need a more full-service procurement solution that includes a GPO? 我们也有.

LBMC采购解决方案是一个分式采购服务团队,提供精品解决方案,消除规模作为客户的障碍. 与聚合 & strategic analysis of operational spend, we can help businesses better monitor costs, 报告费用, 事半功倍.

LBMC开发了一种解决方案,将被动参与GPO转变为主动努力,将所有需要的项目纳入合同和控制之下,从而成为您的聚合采购合作伙伴. If you have a company-specific need that is not in the network, 我们将利用明升体育app下载集团购买力和谈判专家与您谈判一个更好的合同. 当我们把它添加到明升体育app下载投资组合中,并向我们不断增长的客户提供相同的产品时, we’ll continue to drive pricing down and ROI up.


Average Client - 22% Savings across all negotiated spend categories

我们经验丰富的采购专业人员为您的直接和间接支出提供成本节约和可衡量的商业价值. LBMC与客户合作,通过多种选择为客户提供直接和间接采购服务,包括广泛的供应商网络,拥有60多家供应商的类别管理和专业知识, 15家顶级供应商, custom sourcing support and alignment with the largest domestic GPO.

我们与客户合作,设计智能采购和采购解决方案,以满足当今的目标,并实现适应规模的灵活性. Regardless of your company’s spend, 您有机会通过实施品类管理来降低采购成本.

LBMC focuses on tactical buying steps such as maintaining accurate spend data, 优化支付周期条款, eliminating errors in invoices to help optimize the procure-to-pay cycle, 现场购买, 采购订单管理, 目录管理, master data management and accounts payable.


One component of 采购 is the strategic analysis of operational spend. 如果做得好,它可以做到 yield rapid savings of 22% on average to your bottom line, with enhanced services and efficiencies. 今天, 企业内部的采购功能正在被提升为价值创造的战略组成部分. This provides the opportunity of a competitive advantage for business owners. 一个好的采购解决方案提供商可以成为组织现有采购资源的延伸, helping you do more with less effort.

How do procurement services work?

LBMC is an Aggregated 采购 Partner.

LBMC开发了一种解决方案,将被动参与GPO转变为主动努力,将所有需要的项目纳入合同和控制之下,从而成为您的聚合采购合作伙伴. If you have a company-specific need that is not in the network, 我们将利用明升体育app下载集团购买力和谈判专家与您谈判一个更好的合同. 当我们把它添加到明升体育app下载投资组合中,并向我们不断增长的客户提供相同的产品时, we’ll continue to drive pricing down and ROI up.

而一些团购组织(GPO)则以分层折扣的形式将其批量购买力传递给其成员, LBMC aggregates all client spend so that clients get the same pricing. Regardless of the size of your company, 你可以收到两次, 三次, even ten times the volume discount you would have qualified for.

LBMC is a 采购 Service Provider.

LBMC的战略采购团队可以通过我们从综合购买力到供应来源的完整采购流程,对您公司的底线产生积极影响. We are a procurement service provider who can provide:

  • 竞争市场研究
  • Rapid analysis of organization spend
  • 选择供应商
  • 战略审查
  • 协商付款条件
  • Contract negotiation and management
  • 项目管理
  • 旅游折扣
  • 快速实现
  • 采购转型
  • Purchasing goods, services or work from a third-party supplier
“My CFO charged me with reducing operations spend. LBMC采购解决方案不仅帮助我节省了3.5万美元的计算机硬件成本, 但是,他们与供应商的关系非常好,因此可以快速且无压力地实现.”
CIO, Professional 服务 firm

Advantages of working with LBMC 采购 解决方案

LBMC provides clients with a flexible set of procurement outsourcing options, custom configured to meet specific needs with tailored solutions. Working with LBMC, clients’ experience:

  • One true point of contact for any issue
  • 节省10%到40%
  • ROI通常超过300%
  • 快速、轻松的胜利
  • 购买力杠杆
  • 代表您进行谈判

LBMC 采购 解决方案 holds a Quarterly Business Review (QBR) with all clients, 查看公司节省了哪些资金,哪些领域提供了额外的节省机会.

采购 Partners and Key Suppliers

Our Range of 采购 解决方案

Our range of procurement solutions include:

  • Source-to-pay -开支管理, strategic sourcing and supplier management, performance management and procure-to-pay
  • Procure-to-pay – purchasing, receiving, accounts payable, inventory and 仪表板报表
  • 合同管理 -明升体育app下载采购团队将支持您的合同流程,从条款和条件的谈判到合同的全面执行.
  • 设施管理 – We bring significant value to our clients through the coordination of space, infrastructure and organization facilitation, the creation of standards and “bills of materials” for repetitive or de-novo projects.

我们在为包括医疗保健在内的多个行业提供采购解决方案方面拥有丰富的经验, 制造业, 零售及金融服务业.

How do I get started with outsourcing procurement services?

任何组织寻求优化其采购效率和节省的第一步是与采购解决方案提供商交谈. 对话开始发现您的业务在流程方面可能存在效率低下的地方,并确定节省的机会.

对底线的改进可以是基于成本对成本比较的硬节约,也可以是效率方面的软节约, 技术和报告. 战略采购, 然而, 它不仅仅是节省资金,而是创造创新的流程,提高公司的运营和效率,并为长期成功奠定基础.



塔米 沃尔克特

President/CEO, 采购 解决方案

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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔

阿什利 帕特森

Vice President, 会计 and Client 服务

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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔


我们很乐意回答您明升体育app下载的采购专家可以为您做什么的任何问题. 请使用表格发送电子邮件给我们,明升体育app下载专业人员将及时回复您.

LBMC 采购 Office Location:

电话: 615-377-4600

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday


P.O. 1869箱


2095 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 220

This contact form is for service inquiries only. 所有供应商应发送电子邮件